Written by CAPA-JRC reporters Vicky Shan and Benson Chan
On October 15th, 2022, the Chinese Culture and Community Service Center hosted its 8th annual Career Fair at the CCACC headquarters from 12:30PM to 5:30PM. The schedule for the event was organized in time blocks, with the first three hours as seminars given by representatives from various organizations to give a general view of their programs. After the seminars, different companies set up booths for job seekers to explore.
The seminars were presented by speakers in their respective professions, with presentations ranging from topics that outlined the entrepreneurial track to introductions into immigration law. Even positions in the federal government were explored. Elmer Pagaragan, a talent acquisition specialist for the U.S. Military, addressed this career pathway, and outlined the application processes of federal jobs for interested attendees.
Following the seminars and presentations, attendees were encouraged to explore the employer booths that were organized in the facility’s auditorium area. This period offered a diverse collection of both local and large-scale employer opportunities that specialized in financial services, the medical sector, law enforcement, computer science and technology, engineering, and the service industry. Stu Rutchik, a recruiter for financial services provider Moy, Cheung & Company, said that companies registered in the Career Fair to not only search for potential employee prospects, but to also support the local community.

Mr. Chi Hsiang Li, the chairman of CCACC, mentioned that they hosted the career fair for multiple reasons: to provide employment experiences, provide networking opportunities to international students, and better service to the community.
“[The Career Fair] is a very good way to provide a chance for face-to-face communication for employers and employees and job seekers…and what type of jobs [employers] need.” Stated Demy Ye, the event specialist and main coordinator for the fair. Ye also commented on how in-person career fairs are approaching the point of becoming unnecessary, and act more as a supplementary addition to virtual career fairs rather than being the traditionally main method for companies to explore a wide range of employee prospects and to share career opportunities.
This article was provided by Chinese American Parents Association Junior Reporter Club (CAPA JRC) with members who interviewed, audio recorded, wrote, translated, and video recorded. CAPA JRC has 25 Montgomery County middle to high school students. They have created a bilingual platform delivering news and serving the community.
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