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CCACC Academy Grand Opening

By: Vicky Shan

Chinese Culture and Community Service Center (CCACC) has long enjoyed the reputation as a wonderful elderly service center in addition to the cultural enrichment activities for the communities.

Group picture

On Saturday, May 22nd, CCACC expanded its service and opened CCACC academy to provide innovative, comprehensive educational experiences and opportunities for children and families.

Mr. Chi Hsiang Li

CCACC’s Executive Director, Mr. Chih-Hsiang Li, began the event to open up the Academy. He introduced the academy as having a “convenient location and attractive facilities”. In an interview with the reporter, Mr. Li talked about why they wanted to start the academy: because “we thought of the idea to be inclusive of all. Education on all levels was in our strategic plan… We have always been brainstorming and thinking about what we want to achieve in the future, and the academy was one of the ideas.” He said that after talking to Avery Wan - principal and operating director of CCACC Academy - he immediately thought this would be the perfect opportunity to achieve the goal. “What I would like to see is to provide high-quality daycare after school service to help new parents, so they don’t have to worry too much about their children while working. And since we are nonprofit, it would be beneficial to everybody.”

From left to right: Dr. Erika Moritsugu, Susan Lee, Dr. Clarence Lam

Dr. Erika Moritsugu is deputy assistant to the president, White House AAPI senior Liaison, and also a mother said “One of the surest ways to strengthen a family, and maximize the potential for our children and youth, is to provide high-quality education.”

State Senator Susan Lee also came to participate, “CCACC has spent decades serving the community, not only to the Chinese. It acts like an innovative one-stop center where students and everybody of all backgrounds can share their culture, history, and provisions.”

Dr. Clarence Lam, a Maryland state senator, showed appreciation for the services CCACC has been providing, he said “CCACC has done so much for our community, and continues to do so much. Recognizing the enormous number of opportunities they have provided, even during some very difficult times like these, they still kept their doors open at health clinics.”

From left to right: Lily Qi, Marc Elrich, Christina Poy

Delegate Lily Qi, County Executive Marc Elrich, Dr. Judith Docca from the Board of Education, and Chritina Poy representing Governor Hogan, Montgomery Council members - Andrew Friedson, Gabe Albornoz, and Sidney Katz all gave speeches appreciating the past contributions of CCACC, and congratulating the grand opening of the CCACC Academy.

Left: Sidney Katz, Gabe Albornoz, Andrew Friedson Right: Dr. Judith Docca

When all the speeches were finished, came the most exciting part of the event - ribbon cutting. All the guests got on stage, and the ribbon was cut, signaling a magnificent starting point of the long career of CCACC Academy.

Guests Cutting ribbon

After cutting the ribbon, staff from the CCACC academy put everyone in small groups of six and gave a brief tour of the facility. It really did look as Mr. Li put it, “ attractive facilities.” It was bright and clean, and all the equipment was very suitable for the children.

A few of the guests also gave thoughts and expectations of the Academy.

Shebra Evans serves on the school board and represents District 4. She said “I’m hopeful that there will be tutoring available, there will be opportunities for our students who are interested in either pursuing a college degree or continuing to a career, that they would have some resources and advice.”

Gaithersburg City Council member Laurie Anne Sayles mentioned that she is very impressed with how CCACC is investing in the community. She also said that “I am a huge proponent of ensuring our kids not only graduate college-ready but also career-ready. So this institution is really facilitating endless opportunities for our students, and also for businesses to see the sort of opportunities and works our students are exposed to so that they too can support with ensuring the internship opportunities for them.”

Laurie Anne Sayles (right)

Montgomery Executive Marc Elrich says that “I’m looking forward to them continuing being successful. Having seen what CCACC did with their senior center, which is the most amazing senior facility I’ve seen. So, they’ve got great leadership, they really have a vision, and I just expect this place to continue to flourish.

Marc Elrich

“ I hope the CCACC academy becomes a resource, a place where the community can come together, not only come together but also enhance and strengthen our family ties, and allow our kids to continue experiencing the cultural heritage.” Stated Alice Yeh, one of the board of directors of CCACC.

All the guests held high expectations for the academy, and with that, Avery Wan, the principal and operating director of CCACC academy responded, “This new beginning means we’ll be able to continue offering quality educational programs to our community. With everyone’s support, I believe we will be looking forward to serving more of our community. Thank you!”

CCACC Academy logo

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