Left: Signs at the fair. Right: A CAPA junior reporter interviewing a booth representative.
Saturday, September 15, 1:00 - 2:00 p.m. People explore the brightly colored tables arranged throughout the CCACC at the Community Health Fair. Unlike your normal fair, people aren’t waiting for cotton candy or rides- instead, they line up for blood pressure and sugar checks, bone density and BMI tests, head and neck cancer screenings, posture examinations, and more.
The fair, featuring a large number of health and public service organizations, aimed to inform the public about different health topics ranging from glaucoma to mental health. There were also several talks held on sleep, digestive health, parenting, and Chinese medicine. Overall, to many that attended, the experience was educational and interesting.
Photo by: Claire Yu
The Asian American Health Initiative booth. AAHI focuses on mental health and outreach with Asian Americans. Their booth had many resources about mental health including photonovels geared towards different audiences and a wheel of mental health questions.
Learn more at: http://aahiinfo.org/
Photo by: Claire Yu
The Mercy Health Clinic booth, where free glucose and blood pressure checks were given. Focus is on providing treatment for chronic diseases such as diabetes for uninsured patients. Patients work with nutritionists and medical doctors. Learn more at http://mercyhealthclinic.org/
Photo by: Claire Yu
Dr. Shih talked about different Chinese medicines and acupuncture treatments for different ailments.
Photo by: Claire Yu
Dr. Chen, who gave a lecture about sleep, its importance, and gave tips on how to improve sleep.
Photo by: Claire Yu
The Future Vote Initiative booth, which is dedicated to motivating citizens to participate in elections. Learn more at http://777vote.org/.
Photo by: Claire Yu
Dr. Charbel, who gave a talk on digestive health, acid reflux and healthy gut microbiomes. He also advocated for screening for colon cancer.
Photo by: Claire Yu
The Healthy Mind Initiative which promotes mental health awareness for parents and youth.
Photo by: Emily Zhang
Gaithersburg Wellness Center, offering posture and neck alignment checks along with pain management treatment.
Photo by: Emily Zhang
The Oral, Head, and Neck Cancer Alliance offering free cancer screenings.
Photo by: Emily Zhang
Flu and Hepatitis B vaccination shots were also available at the event.
Photo by: Emily Zhang
The Center for Vein Restoration, which treats varicose and spider veins, along with other symptoms of venous insufficiency.
Photo by: Emily Zhang
The Holy Cross Hospital, Germantown, which is the newest hospital in the area in 35 years.
This article was provided by Chinese American Parents Association Junior Reporter Club (CAPA JRC) with members who interviewed, audio recorded, wrote, translated, and video recorded. CAPA JRC has 19 Montgomery County middle to high school students. They have created a bilingual platform delivering news and serving the community.
Instagram: @capa_jrc
Blog: https://capajrc.org